The worst of the CIVID 19 academic is likely behind us now. There us a new health care hurdle getting people return for the commended routine screening checkups and exams. Many people have re-prioritized preventive health care after covid 19. Now is the time to get back on track.
Colonoscopy: Though colon cancer is the most preventable cancer. It is 3rd most common diagnosed cancer and 3rd leading cause of cancer death in US. Only 66% of adult over 50 years old are up to date on colorectal screening according American cancer society.
Mammogram: Breast cancer screening guidelines vary among medical boards. American Cancer Society recommends Annual mammograms for women ages 45 to 54. Breast cancer in women 54 and older are 80%. Age 50 to 60, risks increase. It is estimated 50% of women skip mammograms because the procedure can be painful. Popping an ibuprofen about an hour before your mammogram can help.
Dental Exam: American dental associates recommend getting a professional cleaning every 6 months. Dental is the most commonly neglected health care service during pandemic The longer you wait the more expensive and extensive it gets.
Pap smear: Women ages from 20 to 65 get a Pap smear done every 3 years. Although your risk of cervical cancer decreases with age but your need for routine pap test does not necessarily stop with menopause.
Skin Cancer screen: The greater your risk of skin cancer the more important regular skin checks is. Older adults are particularly vulnerable, since a lifetime of sun exposure can significantly up your Odds. Skin cancer is the most common in the US (1 in 5).by age 70. It can become life threatening in as little as 6 weeks.
Cholesterol test: American heart association recommends that adult 20 or older have their cholesterol checked every 4-6 years. At least 48% of adults have some form of cardiovascular disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in both men and women. 42% of American put-on weight during pandemic and 1/3 felling more stressed because of covid-19, What that means that fewer of us are being checked out for heart disease or stroke, many of us may be at the greater risk for those conditions.
Eye Exam: American Academy of Ophthalmology recommends that adults get a complete eye exam at the age of 40. Leading cause of blindness and low vision are age related eye diseases such as cataracts, diabetes, glaucoma and macular degeneration.
Hearing test: Adult over 50 should get their hearing checked every 3 years.
Bone density test: Bone mineral density (BMD)test is recommended for women at the age of 65 and men at 70. One in 3 women and one in 5 men over the age of 50 will suffer a broken bone due to the condition. The risk is higher in women because female bones typically smaller and less dense than male’s bones.
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